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This means you're not pregnant but the test says you are. You could have a false-positive result if you have blood or protein in your pee. Certain drugs, such as tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and fertility drugs, could cause false-positive results. Two main types of pregnancy tests are blood tests and urine tests. The test will of course be positive initially, but should get lighter and lighter as the trigger shot leaves your system over the next two weeks.

A blood test may be done to get a more precise count of your hCG levels . Your medical history, physical examination, and other tests can help your healthcare provider give you a more reliable result . A false-negative result can also occur if the urine sample is diluted, usually from drinking water throughout the day . If you suspect you are pregnant, you can take another test first thing in the morning when your urine is more concentrated .
The fertilized egg’s journey
Take note of any difference in the color, texture, or amount of blood. After you take this test, you can confirm your results by seeing your doctor, who can do even more sensitive pregnancy tests. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. For this, they’ll purchase a bunch of cheap home pregnancy tests and take one daily, starting a day or two after their IUI.

They pretty much give a yes or no answer as to whether you’re pregnant—or, more accurately, whether you have enough pregnancy hormone to get a positive result. If you're having fertility treatments, be aware that this may result in a false positive pregnancy test, especially those performed early. That's because pregnancy tests may detect the remains of fertility medications like Ovidrel, Pregnyl, or Novarel. The earliest you should test is one day after you expected your period to start. Keep in mind that the earlier you test, the more likely you are to get a false negative, even if you are pregnant. If you're not alreadykeeping a fertility calendar, proper pregnancy test timing is a good reason to start one.
I took an ECP pill although he didn't finish, does that mean I shouldn't be worried about pregnancy?
People who ovulate on day 14 usually expect their period on day 28 or 29. People who ovulate later in the month may not expect their period until day 31 or later. At-home pregnancy tests are easy to use and almost as accurate as those given at the healthcare provider’s office. However, there are some things to consider when deciding what kind of pregnancy test is right for you. This article will go over the types of pregnancy tests and factors that can affect results. It also covers how to decide when to take a pregnancy test and when to retest after getting a negative result.

A quantitative blood test measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood. It can detect hCG as early as six to eight days after ovulation, or about a week before your period is due. It takes longer to get results from a quantitative blood test, though.
When to Take a Pregnancy Test
If it turns out that you likely have experienced a very early pregnancy loss, it’s natural to feel confused or upset. Knowing the odds are in your favor to conceive again — and give birth to a healthy baby — can help. No matter what, it’s always best to see your medical practitioner to get a more definitive pregnancy test result. Understandably, you're likely wondering how early pregnancy can be detected by a home pregnancy test. Your best bet is to wait to take a pregnancy test until about 19 days after fertilization in order for hCG to build up to a level that’s detectable in your urine. HCG production begins as soon as the embryo implants in your uterus, which is between six to 12 days after fertilization.
Fertilization of the ovum usually occurs in the ampulla of the fallopian tubes. The fertilized ovum takes about 6 to 7 days to reach the uterus. The pregnancy hormone that lights up the pregnancy test stick is human chorionic gonadotrophin .
When used correctly, urine pregnancy tests are reliable . Urine pregnancy tests detect hCG in urine when it reaches a certain level, usually between 20–50 IU/L . You can take a urine pregnancy test at home, and results take 5 to 10 minutes . This kind of test is qualitative, which means results are reported as positive or negative . A urine pregnancy test does not tell you how much hCG is in the urine . Your home pregnancy test is positive, or you've taken a few home pregnancy tests and gotten mixed results.
OTC pregnancy tests typically test your urine for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin . The hormone is only released if a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus or to your uterine lining. The best time to take a pregnancy test is a week after a missed period. Some tests may detect pregnancy 1-2 weeks after intercourse, but the body needs time to increase its levels of HCG. Testing before a missed period can increase the risk of a false negative result.
You get the most accurate results if you wait up to 5 minutes, though this can vary by brand. Read the package instructions to learn exactly how long you'll need to wait to confirm a negative or positive result. Even if your pregnancy test is negative, it’s important to listen to your intuition when it comes to your body. Speak to a healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your health or menstrual cycle. A small sample of blood is drawn with a needle and sent to a laboratory . The results can take from a few hours to more than a day.

While this may work for some, even with the most sensitive pregnancy tests, there’s still a chance of getting a false-negative result. Some sensitive tests claim to yield positive results as early asfour daysbefore your missed period (or around DPO). If you get a negative result, try retesting within about a week to double-check.
That makes it easier for the at-home test to spot it. Your “due date,” also called your estimated date of delivery , is based on your menstrual cycle. Testing too soon can increase the chances of a false negative–here’s what you need to know. Having too dilute urine after drinking a lot of water or testing later in the day. Taking a home pregnancy test can be exciting, but it also may be stressful. That's especially true if you're not sure whether you should trust the results.
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